• Question: Did you always want to become a scientist or did you change your mind after/before/during university?

    Asked by anon-336413 on 12 Oct 2022.
    • Photo: Karina de Almeida LIns

      Karina de Almeida LIns answered on 12 Oct 2022:

      Honestly, it wasn’t my plan since the beginning – it happened naturally according my interests and job opportunities. I would say that what made me chose a scientific career was realising that it could provide me opportunities to study abroad and do international cooperation. Science can be an choice for those who are interested in international experiences. 🙂

    • Photo: Hugh Birkmyre

      Hugh Birkmyre answered on 17 Oct 2022:

      I like science (and always have) but when I was at school I didn’t really know what I wanted to do – I thought about becoming a doctor for a bit. Instead, I went to university to do chemistry and really liked it. After graduating I struggled to find a job and almost joined the police. So, I’ve kept drifting towards doing science, but there was no “eureka” moment.
