• Question: what is a composites

    Asked by anon-335594 on 4 Oct 2022.
    • Photo: Stefan Bon

      Stefan Bon answered on 4 Oct 2022:

      A composite is an object made from at least two different types of material. For example, epoxy resin (plastic) and glass fiber.

    • Photo: Polly Keen

      Polly Keen answered on 4 Oct 2022:

      Composites are materials made up from more than one type of material mixed together. The materials which are mixed together have different properties, so the composite has a balance of the different properties, such as strength (from one material) and flexibility (from another material).

    • Photo: Harry Dodge

      Harry Dodge answered on 4 Oct 2022:

      A composite is simply a material that is composed (or made up of) two or more things. There are all sorts of composites you see and use in your daily life. When you see a construction site you will see cement with steel bars sticking out, that’s used in almost all modern buildings!
      Another cool composite is CFRP or Carbon Fibre Reinforced plastic. This is a favourite of engineers looking to make their vehicles as light and fast as possible. Almost the entirety of an F1 car is CFRP.
