• Question: what is the best part about being a scientist

    Asked by anon-334450 on 24 Sep 2022.
    • Photo: Justin Perry

      Justin Perry answered on 24 Sep 2022:

      I think the best part of being a scientist is being able to find things out.

      You can see something that looks interesting and perhaps not fully understood, and then you can think about the problem, design some experiments to look into it and then find an answer.

      I’d like to say all my ideas and experiments work, but that’s not true. However even when things don’t work (and they may not work many times and for what seems forever!) you will discover something.

      An example of this was when we were trying to come up with a new set of more sustainable chemicals to make a component for house paint (the component that lets it set on the wall but not in the tin!). We thought we had the recipe (technically called “the synthesis”) sorted out but when we ran the experiment we’d done on a small scale in a lab on a much bigger scale in a factory, the reaction didn’t work as well. It turned out there was a small proportion of a side product created by our reagents which was difficult to see at the small scale but very obvious when done at a large one. As a result we had to sit down, work out what was going wrong (some unexpected chemical reactions) and create some new additives to the reaction to rectify this and remove the side product. So that was a disappointment followed by some hard thinking and hard work… and then a happy ending.

    • Photo: Polly Keen

      Polly Keen answered on 25 Sep 2022:

      There are two things I love:
      1. Being the first person ever to try something (or at least thinking I am!) and being really creative and inventive every day.
      2. Genuinely contributing to the biggest challenges the planet is facing.

    • Photo: Miray Yasar

      Miray Yasar answered on 25 Sep 2022:

      Definitely discovering new things.

    • Photo: Richard Thompson

      Richard Thompson answered on 26 Sep 2022:

      I get to do different things every day and sometimes we discover something new !

    • Photo: Stefan Bon

      Stefan Bon answered on 26 Sep 2022:

      The best part of being a scientist at a university is: (1) to work, together with my research team, on innovations in science that may better society and the planet. (2) to interact with students and make people enthusiastic about science and fascinate all with past and future discoveries.

    • Photo: Karina de Almeida LIns

      Karina de Almeida LIns answered on 26 Sep 2022:

      What I like the most is that I can explore fields of knowledge different from what I’ve majored in. I decided to study Chemistry after high school, but I never was really sure if this is really what i wanted to do for the rest of my life. As a scientist I can go beyond chemistry and work on projects related to medicine, for example, which I love! There is a broad range of things that you can work with as a scientist.

    • Photo: Aisha Bibi

      Aisha Bibi answered on 26 Sep 2022:

      The best part about being a scientist is the drive to do something innovative which has not been done before. There is always a motivation to do more and better. The sense of accomplishment that follows is just indescribable.

    • Photo: Magdalena Hudek

      Magdalena Hudek answered on 26 Sep 2022:

      I like that I can ask many questions as a scientist, but the best part about being a scientist is being able to contribute to society, even if it’s in a small way.

    • Photo: Mark McGrady

      Mark McGrady answered on 26 Sep 2022:

      The best thing about being a scientist is that no matter your specialism or line of research, it will undoubtedly have a real world impact. Your work can change something meaningful to others

    • Photo: Kieran O'Sullivan

      Kieran O'Sullivan answered on 27 Sep 2022:

      The satisfaction of solving problems, as well as being an expert in your field.

    • Photo: Christina Picken

      Christina Picken answered on 28 Sep 2022:

      Learning science allows you to build a toolkit of science skills which can be applied to so many things! I’ve worked on hydrogen cars, water purification, shampoos, plastics, as well as medicines for the lungs, eyes, covid and cancers. Like learning a language, you can use the same skills for many different topics.

    • Photo: Hugh Birkmyre

      Hugh Birkmyre answered on 28 Sep 2022:

      I saw a Marvel film a while ago where the hero talks about how all his life has been like looking through a keyhole, now he can make it bigger. That’s what I love most about science and being a scientist – we can make it possible to see more of the world, even if just a little.
      Then, once you understand something, then we can start seeing if you can use it to make people’s lives better. It used to be people didn’t know about germs, so more people got sick. Now, can make people better, or stop them getting ill in the first place. (Although this isn’t my job).

    • Photo: Dan Day

      Dan Day answered on 29 Sep 2022:

      Working as a team and talking with other brilliant people to come up with new exciting ideas/solutions for research projects

    • Photo: Jasmine Bone

      Jasmine Bone answered on 3 Oct 2022:

      Having lots of new challenges and getting to do something different each day. Doing research means we’re trying to find answers to things we don’t know yet!
