• Question: What is you favourite type of plastic and why? What is your favourite colour? What did you study for GCSE's? What is your favourite science joke? What are your non-scientific hobbies? Do you work with a work partner?

    Asked by anon-336018 on 13 Oct 2022.
    • Photo: Francis Batchelor

      Francis Batchelor answered on 13 Oct 2022:

      I have to say the PET that my company makes. Very durable, fully recyclable.
      Maths, English, French, Physics, Chemistry, History, Graphic Communication, Art, Music
      I was reading a book about Helium. I couldn’t put it down.
      Chess is my biggest hobby, I play quite a lot
      I mostly work on my own. I work with different people around the world depending on the problem they have.

    • Photo: Esther Ambrose-Dempster

      Esther Ambrose-Dempster answered on 13 Oct 2022:

      Favourite plastic would have to be PET as its what my research looks at
      Favourite colour is turquoise
      GSCEs: all the core subjects (triple science) + history, geography, art & spanish
      I could tell you a science joke, but all the good ones Argon
      I like running, yoga, socialising, being in nature … lots of things
      And I work with others in my lab but I’m the only one working on my specific research – so I do all my own experiments but chat with others around me

    • Photo: Dan Day

      Dan Day answered on 18 Oct 2022:

      My favourite plastics would be some of our CHAMPION plastics because they are bio-based and have interesting biodeg properties (https://www.champion-project.eu/).
      Fave colour is green.
      I studied music, spanish, food tech and triple science on top of the core subjects.
      Science joke: Why is beryllium and gold so pretty? Because it is Be-Au-tiful
      My hobbies include basketball, football, tennis and cooking
      And I work with lots of different people in my group! It is so important to work with people to come up with new ideas
